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Image by Bence Balla-Schottner

Offering my Dandavat Pranam at the lotus feet of my Gurupadapadma Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja and to our Guruvarga as well I offer my Dandavat at the feet of Bhakti Madhuri Srimati Uma Didi. By the causeless mercy of Guru Gauranga, my wife and I had several opportunities of serving her. She stayed at our humble home temple of Gaura Gadadhara Radha Vallabha.


During those stays, her affection to us was overwhelming, as was her example of seva and sadhana. Her Hari Katha at various programs would always continue in long, late night conversations when we would return to our home. She spoke always from the illumined realizations implanted in her heart by her Guru Vargas. My wife Mohini and I were also the beneficiaries of her wonderful cooking seva; she even once prepared a vegetable I am normally not fond of but my wife noted I had seconds and thirds of her preparation. She always gave me encouragement in my preaching seva and most affectionately even fed my wife and I on the anniversary of our marriage day, declaring "I am like your mother." My wife and I took that to heart and continue to this day to say our spiritual mother is Bhakti Madhuri Srimati Uma Didi.

Srimati Uma Didi ki Jaya 🙏🏽

Mukunda das and Mohini Dasi

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